I build design-driven tech
startups with strong brands

The connection of management, design and technology is my secret

Through the interaction of design, management and technology, I approach problems with a creative and analytical perspective. This systematic approach has enabled me to help over 100 technology startups as well as big industry leading corporates.

I am the author of the Venture Readiness Management System

Over the last 4 years I have developed a method to connect these 3 areas in one method

succesfactor no. 1

Design to make it understandable and evoke emotions.

Working a lot with engineers and scientist and on the other hand with people from fashion industry as well as brand and design focussed companies, I learned how important not only good design but also a good user experience and user interface is.Design that inspires me are the designs of Dieter Rams who significantly influences my style, the Bauhaus style from Dessau and Apple who added the emotional aspect to the Dieter Rams puristic form follows function.

succesfactor no. 2

Technology to scale the
solutions impact.

Working at the edge of design and technology research and development, I know the requirement to transfer the technology in a product with the purpose fitting user interface. Working closely together with leading international technology institutions like Fraunhofer and UnternehmerTUM.I am using the perks of technology to deliver the scaling potential of problem-solving solutions.

succesfactor no. 3

Management to connect disciplines and people sustainably.

I am connecting the dots. Connecting design and technology, and especially the people behind. My focus lies in the connection of those disciplines because I know only if you connect the right design with the right technology and the right people it is possible to create the impact.So in my opinion and the expertise I gained through my career and the principled entrepreneurship and leadership education with Stanford Prof. Jack Fuchs it is not only about the management of the numbers, but the people behind, which enable to create solutions that solve problems sustainably and are made to be loved by the people who interact with them.

bring it all together

Venture Readiness
Management System.

As part of the research work Venture Readiness Management System for Innovation Projects - the evaluation mechanisms for systematic and efficient promotion of technology transfer spin-off projects and technology start-ups. The aim of the work is to contribute to making Germany and Europe leading technology locations. The work is intended to support outstanding scientists and engineers in the commercialization of technology. The work provides the first step for a digital and process-optimized spin-off system with a focus on technology companies. The work explored the foundations for the system and highlighted which parameters are crucial for success. For this purpose, global standards of progress measurement and evaluation methods were examined and, in addition, data on these topics was collected with representatives in leading positions from important technology institutions in Germany and Europe.

Wanna learn how our company can benefit from the Venture Readiness Strategy?

healthcare innovation

Healthcare Minutes to empower innovators in healthcare

Healthcare Minutes is dedicated to fostering digital healthcare ventures, developing user-centric products, and improve market success. Its focus is on creating healthtech companies that not only scale rapidly but also create products and brands that people identify with and love to use.Healthcare Minutes highlights current digital health trends and collaborates with leading experts to improve the healthcare landscape in worldwide. This includes sharing expert-led conversations, and providing insights into industry trends.

Healthcare entrepreneurship


GLAICE provides people with diabetes with the foundation for autonomous and informed decisions to achieve healthy blood glucose levels in their daily lives. Our algorithm analyzes their health, lifestyle and blood glucose data and combines it with the most recent medical guidelines to provide actionable education and tailored advice in a user-friendly digital companion app. The patent pending algorithm empowers people with diabetes to lead healthier, more active, and self-determined lives.

about me

Rocking innovation and entrepreneurship is my approach to my work.

I am working in entrepreneurship since nearly 10 years now as Venture Capital Venture Partner Building a deep tech accelerator for 3 years and working with over 100 tech startups and industry leading corporates on innovation and entrepreneurship and helping one of the most important Entrepreneurship institutions worldwide, the Sigma Squared Society as healthcare executive.As Co-Founder of GLAICE Health and the global healthcare executive at Sigma Squared Society for over 25 countries, my work is deeply rooted in healthcare and MedTech. I am a pursuing longevity practices since over 3 years. I am passionately driving the development of ventures that empower people to understand their personal health for informed decision-making because this will enable a prevention driven healthcare revolution!As a former frontman of a rock band and an ice hockey career in my childhood and early youth as well as my time at the Waldorf School and now working in business, I provide a unique combination.The experiences and skills I was able to gather and learn in the past allow me to have a new perspective on business problems today.Combining design and music by playing piano is the right thing for me to balance the efficiency driven work environment I love to be in

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